

the intolerable details

the sharpness of chalk

pressing hard

the blinding white

the impossible black

only speckles now

the trifling technicalities

the anguish of precision

reality is a heavy weight

yet my hand presses firmer still

compact against the page

only to sanction

the reign of an overwhelmed mind.


What Would You Do?

An innate illusion.

An intricate horror.

The promise of intrusion.

Unearthing the previously unseen.

Compressed to a neglected,

omnipresent, unacknowledged,


Mirroring walls encroaching,

regenerating a fabricated


The hope for primitiveness,

for something external,

something unscathed,

something inconsequential.

Imagined scrutiny.

Imagined vandalism.

Imagined terror.

If all was unveiled,

in one isolated scene,

if all was unearthed,

in an imperative horror,

would you be a sentinel

and allow the impending decline?

Would you tranquilize a

seemingly lost cause?

Or would you be an isthmus,

allowing a translucent window

into that alienated room.

A threatening epitomization.



There Are Memories

that bring me closer.

There Are Memories

that tear me apart.

Each A stabbing reminder

of what could have been.

Each A tender spasm

of what failed to occur

Filter of personalities

to frame unfilled necessities

Filter to live

with blinding meaning.

Remembering is forgetting.


Only Alone

An omnipresent wish,

a persistent desire

to be relevant

but also to be alone

In a self-administered detention

I exaggerate precious moments.

designing them

molding them

changing them

All to envelope,

with inexplicable precision,

what you truly crave

A hunger

only fulfilled in solitude.

A starvation

to feel more

to feel everything

But too much detachment

will bring me back

to an ever-pressing weight

crushing my chest

back to a realization

that these moments were untrue.
